About Emmy
I live an empowered life of joy, alignment, and security after
surviving long-term abuse.
But it hasn’t always been this way.
When I was first recovering from my abusive relationship, I continued to perpetuate the harmful dynamics I was so desperate to leave in the past. With no understanding of my own worth or ability to heal, I was drowning in shame, perpetually thinking “I’m not good enough”.
For a long time, all I wanted was to make the pain go away by any means possible.
With no resources or support, I sought a reprieve from the constant pain by abusing substances, entering toxic relationships, and treating my body with disrespect and hatred.
After years of struggling with depression, anxiety, and a wide range of complex PTSD symptoms, I finally had enough. I knew something had to give.
I started coming home to myself.
I stopped viewing myself as damaged goods.
I started to see the power I held as a survivor.
I stopped forcing myself past my limits.
I started to embody my truth.
And I want to help you do the same.
I began this work in 2013 after surviving an abusive relationship that left me with complex PTSD. Since then, I’ve dedicated my life to finding a way to stop viewing myself with disdain and shame, and start believing in my ability to live a wildly joyful, connected, and empowered life.
Along the way, I’ve studied a plethora of healing techniques that bridge the gap between neuroscience and soulful intuitive knowing. I’m a huge fan of everything from the Polyvagal Theory, to the Enneagram, to somatic work, to the mindfulness practice of Radical Acceptance. In October 2020, I became certified as a trauma-informed coach through the ICF-accredited program offered by Moving the Human Spirit. In January 2022, I became certified as a NARM practitioner. NARM is a modality for working with complex trauma. In August 2023, I earned a certificate in Somatic Attachment Therapy (which I apply to coaching) from The Embody Lab.
I view everything I learn about through the lens of trauma recovery in order to help survivors feel safe as they try out new practices or reach for their goals, adapting what I learn to work for overwhelmed brains that are used to looking for danger everywhere.
My dedication to studying trauma recovery has led me from being full of shame to full of self-love. Now that I can see the ways my body adapted to the overwhelming experiences I survived in the light of acceptance, I can work with my symptoms instead of running away from them. Now that I can see how devastating the effects of trauma were on my brain and body, I can give myself the rest I need to recover without judging myself for my needs. Now that I can see how abuse conditioned me to constantly doubt myself, I can make the radical choice to go after what lights me up and know it’s safe to do so.
Everything I’ve learned and implemented in my own life has led me to where I am today:
a liberated, free, embodied survivor.
This is my life’s work, and I’m so honored to share it with you.
A joyful life is your birthright.
My mission is to help trauma survivors who are stuck in cycles of shame, fear, and self-sabotage break out of the boxes that trauma put them in and find wholeness, joy, and radical self-acceptance.
I see the incredible power contained within you, and I can support you to navigate the very real obstacles that keep you from realizing all the potential you hold. You don’t have to do this alone.
I see the ways you’ve tried to push through your pain, run away from your fear, and deal with your inner critic’s hurtful messages. I honor your struggle, pain, and frustration. You deserve so much more than the pain you’ve endured.
I believe that within you there is everything you need to have a life of joy, freedom, and love. With me as your coach, you will be supported to move toward a life that works for you and supports your well-being.
Training and Qualifications
In addition of being having the lived experience of being a trauma survivor herself, Emmy is certified as a Trauma Informed Coach through an ICF-accredited program provided by the organization Moving the Human Spirit.
Interested in taking their course? Use code “EMMY250” for $250 CAD off.
She is trained and certified as a Practitioner in the NARM model of working with complex trauma.
She has earned her 60-hour Somatic Attachment certificate from The Embody Lab.
Interested in taking a course with the Embody Lab? Use code “EMMY” for 10% off.
She completed the “Healing Trauma: Working With Somatic Wounds” training with Doctor Peter Levine.
She also has training in Sex, Desire, and Relationship Issues from leading sex experts Emily Nagoski, PhD and Tammy Nelson, PhD.
Emmy has a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science from Evergreen State College
Featured »
Podcasts, Summit Interviews, Articles, and More!
Podcast Interviews
Relationship Recovery Podcast
Healing after an abusive relationship with Emmy Marie
"This episode is about healing from abuse and learning what healthy can be like.”
The Deep Talk Podcast
Healing From Trauma + Building Healthy Relationships With Emmy Marie
“In this episode, we’ll talk about:
The definition of trauma, what it feels like in the body and healing modalities for trauma
Emmy’s story of being in an abusive relationship and the signs of being in one
Emmy’s story of being in a SAFE relationship and the green flags to look out for
Attachment styles relating to relationships
How to stop self-sabotaging in a healthy relationship”
Starting Over With Shannon Podcast
Ep. 25 Feeling empowered, connected and joyful after abuse and trauma w/ Emmy Marie
“Emmy is a shining example of someone who has transformed her pain into purpose; her first experience of romantic love from age 15 was abusive and she was left with many symptoms of trauma, including flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety and suicidal ideation. But she is now in a happy & healthy long-term relationship and she is a certified trauma-informed life coach who specialises in helping her clients create thriving lives and relationships after trauma.
We discuss Emmy’s own experience with trauma, her healing journey and learning to love again after being hurt. We also share some differing perspectives on what ‘unconditional love’ means.”
The Unraveled Life Podcast
Episode 36: Unraveling Trauma Healing with Emmy Marie
“I chat with trauma coach Emmy Marie all about relational trauma and what it means to “heal” from abusive and toxic relationships. We unravel some of the harmful expectations and myths about what “healing” looks like and how long it should take. Emmy shares her own experience of trauma in relationships, and offers tangible tools and supports for beginning the process of healing. Whether you are new to this work, or have been around the block of exploring trauma for a while, Emmy shares something for everyone.”
It’s Hard Podcast
Abusive Relationships: Understanding and Overcoming Abuse
“In this episode Paige sits down with Emmy Marie to discuss her experience with an abusive relationship, trauma, healing, and how it’s impacted her life as a whole.”
Little Girls Aren’t Taught This Podcast
Ep 30. Trauma bonds and time lines, the importance of community after experiencing trauma and why self love is essential after trauma with Emmy Marie.
“In this episode, we chat about all things trauma. Discussing why community is so important to promote healing after trauma, what trauma bonds are, teenage trauma, gaslighting and how self-love can be the antidote to bring you back to yourself. “
Love Fix Podcast
Finding Joy After Trauma with Emmy Marie
“Emmy specializes in helping her clients that have endured trauma or abuse create relationships with both themselves and others that help them feel safe and respected. Emmy shares her personal journey in getting out of abuse and stepping into her power.”
On-Call Empath Podcast
111 #Trauma: Making Sense of it | Emmy Marie
“Emmy Marie is a participant in the Elite Coaches Podcast Series. In this episode, we discuss how trauma may manifest itself in relationships and what it means to break the cycle of trauma. Emmy explains why it is critical to be aware of and reject shame when healing from trauma.”
Howzit Human Podcast
EP #15 – Blooming With Emmy
In this episode we chat about relationships, the power of self love, and practical tips to begin healing and moving on.
The Pretty Soul Podcast
Thriving After Trauma ft. Emmy Marie
On this episode we discuss thriving after trauma and abuse with trauma-informed life coach, Emmy Marie.
The Jordan Lang Podcast
Trauma-Informed Coaching With Emmy Marie
Learn more about what trauma-informed coaching is, the long and short term benefits of it, and who it is best suited for in this podcast!
Apple Podcasts | Youtube | Blog Post
The Mindful Minds Podcast
Talking Trauma With Emmy Marie
“This week we chat with Emmy Marie of @bloomingwithemmy about trauma, and specifically, relationship trauma.
Let’s Thrive Podcast
Trauma: The Lasting Impact and How to Heal
“Trauma is something we all face at one point or another in life. Although the forms of it vary, the underlying struggle with trauma is working through the impact it creates. Today’s guest, Emmy Marie, is a trauma coach working to help others understand and heal from their trauma.”
Chats With Amaris Podcast
Chat with Trauma Coach Emmy Marie: How to Find Joy by Healing From Trauma
Emmy chats with Amaris about how we have found joy from healing from trauma.
Resilience Chat With Nat Podcast
Relationships after Abuse and Trauma with Emmy Marie
“Is being in a supportive and loving relationship possible after abuse and trauma? Having a secure relationship after abuse and trauma can seem uncomfortable because your body and brain got used to the chaos. But it is possible. Please know that you are worthy. You deserve love, safety, and joy.”
Getting Over It with Kat D. James Podcast
This episode covers “WHY is it so important to make time to REST during the day? WHAT are simple & realistic ways we can practice RESTING other than sleep & meditation? IS IT NORMAL to avoid napping? Taking a break? Taking time off? Moving slowly?
Becoming Vibrant Podcast
“This episode is all about trauma and how it resides in the body. This episode is helpful for anyone who has felt like they have a hard time managing stress and emotions since childhood, especially if you find yourself emotionally eating or trying to lose weight to feel like a “new you”.”
Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Youtube
Transforming Trauma Podcast
“In this episode, Emmy of the Instagram community @Blooming_Forward shares her story of survival and recovery, the ways she’s learned to reject shame and how she now teaches others to do the same.”
Connected By Stories Podcast
“Miracles do happen, and that was certainly the case with my guest today. On this episode, Emmy takes us through her experiences with Abuse and how after a long time of dealing with sexual and emotional abuse, one incident changed everything for her.”
Summits & Interviews
Choose Yourself Summit – May 2020
Presented on the topic “Choosing Rest in a Culture of Busy” at the virtual Choose Yourself Summit hosted by Ashley Beaudin. The presentation covered:
Hyper-productivity as a coping mechanism.
The importance of rest for our body/mind/soul
Why rest is challenging due to our hyper-productive culture & feeling of unsafety found with stillness for trauma survivors
How to intentionally practice rest in your daily life.
Quote from the presentation:
“Rest is your Birthright. Your worth is NEVER dependent on your ability to produce. You are valuable and worthy of love just as you are. Choose rest, choose yourself, and your radical choice will ripple out to everyone around you.”
Conquering the Battle Within Online Summit – August 2020
Powerful Resources for First Responders & Healthcare Professionals to stay Connected with Love, Laughter and Leadership
Presented on rejecting shame and cultivating self-compassion for this virtual summit hosted by Shannon VanderZwaag.
Click here to watch my summit interview recording!
The Bottle Project & Global Reform Webinar – October 2020
Expert panelist at a webinar hosted by The Bottle Project & Global Reform, two youth-led mental health organizations. The webinar covered:
How to open up about mental health struggles, especially as a teenager.
The impacts of intergenerational trauma and the intersections between complex PTSD and racism.
How to navigate relationships with a trauma-informed lens.
Click here to watch the webinar recording!
United Nations Spotlight Initiative Interview – February 2021
“‘I experienced an abusive relationship as a teenager from ages 15 almost through to 18,” says Emmy Marie. “But since I wasn’t being beaten as the main form of trauma, I never really understood that this was abuse until it was way too late.” Now a certified trauma coach, Emmy Marie has built her career around raising awareness of the different forms that gender-based violence can take – and helping fellow survivors to overcome the long-lasting impacts of abuse.”
She spoke to Piera Van de Wiel, singer-songwriter and the founder of Stronger With Music about shame – and overcoming it — in the third episode of Spotlight Initiative’s #WithHer Talks.
Click here to see this feature!
Moving the Human Spirit Interview – July 2021
Moving the Human Spirit’s Susan Hogarth interviews graduate Emmy Marie about her personal journey to becoming a certified Trauma Informed Coach.
Learn more about Trauma Informed Coaching and becoming a certified Trauma Informed Coach at: https://www.traumainformedcoaching.com
Get $250 CAD OFF your registration for TICB and TICC Training Courses using code “EMMY250”
Click here to watch the interview!
A Million Voices Interview – November 2021
A Million Voices is a Mini-Documentary Series that shines a light on remarkable people from around the world, sharing their real-life stories.
Emmy shares her story of surviving abuse, healing, and eventually helping other survivors.
Click here to watch the interview!
Pain To Passion Summit – January 2022
“How to turn your trauma into triumph and live the life you were made for!”
In this summit interview, Emmy shared about her story of turning past trauma into purpose and a gateway to help others.
Articles & Other Places
Newsweek Article: 'Constantly Humiliating Me:' Woman On How She Escaped Abusive Relationship
In 2023, I was interviewed for a Newsweek article about detecting controlling behavior in relationships, and sharing my personal story of surviving an abusive relationship.
Healthy Gamer Scientific Advisory Board
HG’s Scientific Advisory Board is made up of a range of mental health experts aimed at obtaining ongoing, constructive feedback to ensure ethical standards are followed, high areas of client concern are met, and HG resources keep pace with modern stressors and the latest research.
MindBar Teacher
MindBar is the MasterClass of mental health - they've vetted the best therapists, counselors, and coaches around the world to teach the tools to end negative thought patterns, improve relationships, and manifest a better future. Emmy has 2 courses inside MindBar.
Check out MindBar here and use code “EMMY30”
Scribd: “Bloom Forward: Healing From Trauma”
In this comprehensive, deeply empathetic course from Scribd Coach, trauma-informed coach Emmy Marie explains how trauma survivors can find power and heal from their trauma. Drawing from personal experience, research, and training in healing trauma, Marie explains what exactly trauma is, how to take action to begin healing, and how to deal with uncomfortable emotions brought on in the wake of trauma. She also shares exercises so you can begin applying what you’ve learned immediately. If you’re ready to take on the work of healing, Emmy Marie will be in your corner to take those first steps.
Listen to the Audio Course Here
Link above is an affiliate link for Scribd
Hi Sensitives! Blog Post: 7 Powerful Trauma-Healing Techniques for Empaths
In this blog post, geared towards Empaths, covers 7 trauma-healing techniques Emmy originally shared during the Empath Summit 2022.
H3R Magazine- Wellness Section Covergirl
In H3R magazine, a resource for women in business, Emmy is featured and interviewed as the cover girl for the “Wellness” Section.
Janie’s Fund Project
Janie’s Fund is a philanthropic initiative created by Steven Tyler in partnership with Youth Villages to bring hope and healing to girls who have suffered the trauma of abuse and neglect.
In this feature, Emmy shares what she would tell her 18 year old self.
Click here to see the feature!
I am ARLA Article
In this article, Emmy shares her story of surviving abuse, healing from complex trauma, and founding her business and Instagram platform.
We Rise Above Interview
In this interview with the We Rise Above Foundation, Emmy discusses her experience with teen dating violence, her opinion on dating in high school, and shares advice for teenagers navigating relationships safely.
Starts With Youth Interview
In this interview with Starts With Youth, Emmy discusses rejecting shame, how telling her story has changed her life, and the most important thing she want others to know about being an abuse survivor.
One Day In My World
In this article for One Day In My World, Emmy shares her story of trauma and resilience: escaping abuse, getting diagnosed with CPTSD, and beginning the process of healing.
Medium Article
“Red Flags After Trauma: Seeing Them Everywhere or Not at All”.
Brands I’ve Worked With Include…
Scribd, Good Patch, Parade, Soul CBD, Bellessa, StuffThatWorks.health, AfterGlow App, Pure Dating App, North Atlantic Books, Bananagrams and more!
Get in Touch
Get in Touch
In addition to 1:1 trauma-informed coaching, Emmy is available for and interested in select brand collaborations, content creation opportunities, speaking engagements, podcast interviews, and guest writing opportunities. Get in touch by filling out the form below!